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Miss the Q&A? Watch the Recording

Two hours, 103 patients, and 113 questions later, I am beyond impressed with my patient community — the way you are handling, coping, managing, sanitizing, laughing, caring, and healing your way through COVID-19. Thank you for logging on on April 23 for our live Zoom Q&A on all things COVID-19 and particularly antibody testing. You shared your fears, questions, and concerns - and also your love, stories, and support. We are in this together. Thank you!

Below is a recording of the two-hour Q&A session. While we cannot transcribe every answer verbatim, we've listed the questions below and some timestamps so that you can skim the questions and fast-forward using the sliding playback bar to find answers you're looking for. For everything else, call us! We're happy to answer questions individually at a telemedicine appointment 7 days a week.

Be safe out there.


Timestamp: 00:00

(in the playback slider, not the running clock shown on the video)

What precautions are most important to take after bringing groceries into our house?

Are there any cases in which patients contracted COVID-19 WITHOUT having contact with people? We are confused by the conflicting information about how/if to disinfect home delivered groceries or takeout food.

I am a healthy 74 year old woman. I have been following all guidelines for the last 40 days. Is is safe for me to give blood to the Red Cross? I have an appointment but am feeling nervous about it. As a note I have given blood many times and am o positive. I know they need my blood. Barbara Dallara

I am having a lot of bad dreams and nightmares. Is this normal?

Looking for updates on Covid-19 and treated Hypertension (particularly Losartin)...potentially able to stay steady without it...what is the science saying?

Should people with asthma be taking extra precautions to avoid getting the virus? Does the severity of your asthma increase your risk if you do get the disease?

Hi! I am a patient of the practice. I am a menopausal woman - on and off sweats - with allergies and asthma (and epilepsy). I have been struggling with when it is just my allergies/asthma bothering me. And is there anything I can do further precaution-wise (besides isolating w/ immediate family, handwashing, sanitizing). Thank you!!

Two part question: 1. If you have a high risk child in your household and you have not entered any establishment outside your home since March 14, should you still consider getting an antibody test? Or would that be too risky to go anywhere to obtain a test?

2. Have you heard of more high risk people who are contracting COVID-19, or does it seem to be spreading through all age and risk groups equally?

How soon should you (if at all) have an antibody test if you, have not been sick and are not an essential worker?

Does having an autoimmune disease like Celiac disease put you in a higher risk category

We've been hearing about nursing homes and long term care facilities having a rough time. What is the situation in our local facilities?

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(in the playback slider, not the running clock shown on the video)

How long should we expect for a call back if we called yesterday for an appointment for possible covid antibody testing?

Please explain the difference between antibody vs serum tests.

I've read that the virus can be tracked in on shoes. Do we need to be worried about this if we only go for walks on quiet neighborhood streets, and wear different shoes when going out to pharmacies, etc?

Would people that tested positive for Covid be tetsed for antibodies? Or do they definitely have them with a positive Covid test? Thanks!

With new information coming out daily, what is the most current data re contagiousness duration/length of time after diagnosis?

No symptoms and tried not to go out. We did travel from Florida to PA in late March. Should we test? Don't want to use test "space" if others need it more.

can you catch the virus from someone who has feels totally healthy and has no symptoms at all

Have any Antiviral medications had an effect against Covid-19?

Is it safe to order take out? My concern is that someone who is sick could be preparing the food.

I've been (likely?) overly anxious even walking around my neighborhood. Is there a need to wear a cloth mask when walking, and can this virus travel via wind?

how do I alleviate the anxiety of my staff who are working with two presumtive residents while we await test results. we are following isolation procedures. it's diane from remed if you want to discuss privately

We have been wiping literally everything that comes in the house with sanitizing wipes. Boxes and their contents, mail..every letter, grocery bags and every grocery item in them! is this all necessary? is it worth all the work?


My daughter has scoliosis and was up for her 6 month xray at the beginning of April. Her doctor said she should get an xray in the next 1-2 months. Is it safe to take her to an xray facility? What kind of precautions should we take?

If walking or jogging on a trail should I be wearing a mask?

What about elective surgery for BRCA 1 patients who need prohylactic surgery to reduce risk of getting cancer?

I am a mother of two kids under 5. how bad is this virus if it affects kids? I'm worried sick all the time just thinking about the safety of kids.

If I am a confirmed carrier of antibodies but I was never tested for COVID 19 when I had the mild symptoms; however, if I have the antibodies once blood test results come back...what would or could I do to help since I have these antibodies?

Rheumatoid arthritis patient here. Immune-suppressed. I heard in various places that COVID makes the immune system go does that mean that our immune suppressing drugs could be helpful?

Im also having sleep problems! Up every night from 3-5 :( Any reccomendations for a natural sleep aides?? I exercise alot and it has always helped keep me asleep, but not during this time. I miss restful sleep

aside from stats and tracking does the antibody test change anything for an individual? what is the big take away or gain from the test?

our family uses a tempral thermometer adn we all come up at about 97 or 96. Is that normal, can we trust the thermometer?

What should we be requiring repair people to use as safety measures if they need to come into our home?

Your opinion on hydroxy=chloroquine. Is there any harm for a healthy 75 year old man taking.

Our daycare is planning on opening May 11, I know it is hard for you to judge, but what is your opinion on sending toddlers (who may not wear masks and wont social distance) to school when older kid's schools are closed.


My pharmacy offers the Covid 19 test. Is this test available for everyone or only those who have symptoms?

similar to the first question, is it safe to go get routine blood work? and should we (your patients) get both antibody and regular bllod work?

Will you test non-current patients for antibodies? If not, do you anticipate other doctors offices, hospitals, or local governments will start testing everybody for antibodies soon?

Are all seniors high risk or just those who have underlying health issues?

if I get the antibody test should everyone in the household be tested? Can I assume if I test positive for antibodies should the rest of my household be tested.

Hi! Is it that the high risk patients have worse outcomes? OR are there different strands of the virus that cause different outcomes? Or maybe both?

I’ve been turned away from donating blood because I lived in Europe. Do the same rules apply to plasma donation? Would you consider a drive through blood draw where we can stay in our vehicle?

Can you please clarify the drive by blood testing. I have an appointment on Monday but was told no teledoc appointment if I wanted the blood draw at your office and I had to come in.

If you get the antibody test and you have the antibodies are you able to get back to normal day to day life?

Would you go over the possible results you can receive from the test? What exactly will the test show? Example: If it shows I don't have the antibodies,than I obviously can still get Covid.

I found a link to this zoom meeting from a friend’s FB post. I love your accessibility to patients. Is your practice accepting new patients? should I wait till after this covid concern settles down?

What agencies will receive the data from the Abott test?

My 50 year old husband has a heart issue(weakness and has pacemaker/aed) so I am trying to be extra careful. My teenage daughter wants to work to earn money for college. I don't think it's worth the risk. Am I being too conservative?

I’ve read that neurological disorders put you in a higher risk category. I am just curious whether that is true, and if so how does COVID affect people with neurological disorders in a more negative way than others

Any results yet? Too soon?

I work in an inpatient drug and alcohol facility and the cases almost exploded this week between patients and coworkers. Most of my coworkers have minimal symptoms. Would you suggest an actual test or antibody test? Would the covid test show both?

Who should get antibody testing? Is it if you think you had it and are fine now or is it everyone?


I want to get the antibody test but my doctor said they aren’t doing them in my area. I work in nursing homes. How do I get a test?

Are you recommending that all your patients get the antibody test?

will a positive test result of this Abbott test mean you have antibodies for the current Covid-19 corona virus on or could a positive result pick up othere coronaviruses you may have had previously in your life?

What can you tell us about the research done around how UV rays affect the virus? Is there hope for less spread once the temperature increases?

If I am over 65 should I get this test? How are you determining who is a priority? I am pretty healthy but do have high blood pressure and a lot of anxiety/gastro issues such as reflux and IBS. i do take meds for all of these.

I apologize if you’ve covered this before...Prior to March 14, I regularly hosted a client’s dog in my home for day care. Is it considered safe to continue that practice?

AND Is no spleen a high risk situation for COVIDIOT-19?

I have been very careful since March 14 especially since I have no spleen.

Are there any deaths in patients WITHOUT any comorbidities?

Once the social distancing guidelines are relaxed (whenever that may be!), is it still appropriate to continue to wear masks?

Have we surpassed the peak in Chester County or not? I am hearing conflicting data. Thanks!!!

Could you test positive for the flu and still have had COVID?

Hi Dr. Meyer! Cindy Z here! My mom has been in the hospital for pneumonia. I picked her up today. She was tested for CO VID and was negative. I have been at my parents home caring for my father with my mom being away. Now she is home and I am helping both of them. I know I will need help caring for both of them. They canceled Home Instead because they feared strangers coming in with the virus. What should I do about getting someone in to give me relief, based on this virus…I am scared to have a stranger come into the home. What do you think?

I work in retail, if I have the antibodies, but my mother does not, will it be safe to be in the room with her? What do I need to do when I get home from work to make it safe for us.

Can animals contract COVID? I thought no, but now I'm hearing a tiger or something.

Can you have antibodies even if you never had the virus?

this is a follow up to a question you answered yesterday n FB. if you test positive for antibodies and are no longer infectious/contagious - can you somehow carry it to others -ie if you cone into contact with infection somehow? I know still important to social distance but can having the antibody positive test give you a little peace of mind being around those at risk? thank you SO much!!!

What is a real time frame for a vaccine to be available? A year?

How many strains have been identified of COVID19? If there are multiple strains will the antibody test detect all strains?


Are certain types of masks more effective for a person not in a health care setting?

Joined late so I apologize if youve answered these question. Is the curve flattening in PA?

Do you think its necessary to get the antibody test?

Do you think kids will go back to college in September?

I've seen people looking for plasma donations from those who have recovered from Covid. Is this looking like a promising treatment?

i recently read an article describing the blood clotting aspect of covid 19. it is apparently the explanation for patients dying suddenly. and patients who seem mildly ill to develop fatal organ failure. it cared the sh*t out of me as i have beart disease and hbp. i i will never be able to leave home comfortably.

they are in their mid twenties they were both sick with covid and thankfully mild/moderate cases they are doing fine but i am wondering what effects might be going forward, is anything known yet about relapse etc

I have an upcoming GYN appt next week, should I reschedule?

Is it safe to have an outdoor, staying at least 6 feet away visit with my parents who are in their 70s?

I'm a 52 year old diabetic male. I have no known complications. I'm terrified that I'm going to get the virus because my wife is nurse and my daughter also works. Do you have any recommendations.

Does the virus cause permanent lung damage?

My husband goes back to work monday...they had shut down due to positive covid cases..would the antibody test benefit him before he starts back Monday? He is a patient of yours 😊

I have high BP and recently diagnosed with Type II diabetes and have been taking D3 and Zinc for long time. Why do these underlying conditions make someone more susceptible to Covid?

your openion on Oximeter, Should we order one and keep at home along with Thermometer ?

Reunification with extended family: ie Grandchildren. We have all been quarantined in our separate homes since March 13th, when do you think it will be safe enough to visit in smaller groups amongst family?

I've heard varying statements and thought I would ask. If you get covid, can you get it again?

My husband & I are patients of the practice. If we both get tested, and happen to test positive, what would you suggest we do re: our 2 kids?


How soon can a patient get the antibody test after a positive Covid nose swab test?

Is there evidence of a genetic factor that make certain families more prone to more severe symptoms? Have heard examples of a few families being hit very hard/several deaths, even among younger members.

If you an a friend stay in all the time an we both live alone ,with being safe with a mask would it be ok to go for a drive , to get out ?

I too was told I have to come into the office to see the physician there was no teledoc/zoom appt offered.

Concerning this fall flu season, when would you suggest getting updated flu shots?

I was tested in March for Covid and was negative. They did a nasal swab but it only tickled. I’ve heard others who said the nasal swab really hurt and felt like they were swabbing their brain! Is it possible my swab test was done improperly?

your website states the IBC is not participating with Quest (out of network) So would IBC patients have to pay out of pocket?

Not sure if this was already asked, but do you think the speculation that “waves 2 and 3” of this virus could potentially be significantly worse than this first round?? Yikes!

What about contact tracing. Do you see that as important. The Govenor said today that we need to be able to "Test, trace and isolate"

If I am working in the public all day, what do I need to do when I get home to be safely in the same room with my mom? I just had the antibody test in your office today, so I am waiting for that. Do I need to change and shower before being in the room with her?

I need to have a drug screen for a new job, when I go to Quest for this will I be able to ask for the antibody test while I am there?

I was in Italy in Oct. 2019 and had a bad cough until Jan. I may have the antibodies even though this isn't the right time frame. What do you think?

Also, I'm 62 years old and own a hair salon and the other stylist is younger with younger clients. Am I at risk when we return to the salon?

my mom is in the hospital she has covid. She is Immune compromised and has COPD. I am getting the antibody test tomorrow. if I have the antibody could I be a potential be a donor to my mom to help her fight?

Being that students (children) cannot social distance and about half of teachers are over the age of 50, what is the liklihood in your opinion on school starting again in September?

Do you think all the people with long lasting coughs last fall/winter was actually covid? I knew so many whp had a very long lasting cough back in nov/dec with no real dx.

If someone testing antibody positive isn't contagious, is there a level of antibody that is thought to be protective versus still low enough to be transmissable? Is the test quantitative?


What are your thoughts about public transportation like Septa? When restrictions are lifted, I am very nervous about my husband being on a train for over an hour each way to Philly every day. Do you think at minimum high risk people should avoid public transportation, or in our high risk family should he try and telecommunte a little longer?

I also work in a setting where the number of positive cases significantly increased over the last few days. If you have the antibodies, is it safe to continue going to work despite the number of new positive cases each day? I am the only one leaving my household and I have 3 little kids at home so just want to keep everyone as safe as possible. Thank you in advance!

If you order mask an found they where coming from China would you trust them?

Is there more of a risk getting a hand crafted coffee at Starbucks than getting take out food from a restaurant?

Should I call the office to get a script for the antibody test?

Is there data that 0 blood type may not have as high of a chance of getting covid?

I missed the 1st part of the question and answers. Who do I contact to have the antibody test? Should I go to my primary care doctor. I don't know of anyone in my area doing these tests in Camp Hill. Would I be eligible to go to you for the test?

My father is over 90, living independently in a large senior community in Montgomery County. There have been some incidences in the community, about 9 in the independent living community, and about 9 staff (who are no longer on site). Should I considering having him come and live with us for a short while?


Does a neurological disorder put you at a higher risk?

If you have the antibodies and come in contact with someone with COVID, could you spread it to other people?

does your office need anything? hand lotion? other “comfort” items?

I miss my pizza. Is it safe to pick up a pizza box assuming the pizza guys are doing what they're supposed to do?

Are you able to chat with patients individually? I know you are extremely busy.

Would you recommend melatonin for a 15-year-old? to help with sleep?

My husband is in the middle of chemo treatments. Should I be tested sooner rather than later for the antibodies?

Does the first test act as a baseline, and if it shows we do have the antibodies, how soon should we be tested again?

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