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CMMD and Associates: Our Policy on Medical Marijuana

After carefully evaluating the regulations surrounding the legalization of marijuana for medical use, we have decided that we will not be participating as certifying providers.

Presently, there are 17 conditions deemed appropriate for treatment with medical marijuana. While we recognize that these conditions affect many of our patients, we feel that there are still many unanswered questions regarding the safety, access and dispensing of medical marijuana. We are currently not equipped to take on these matters and give them the adequate time and care they need.

We are happy to report that there are several qualified physicians in Pennsylvania who are registered as certifying physicians. You can find a complete list of those physicians here.

If you do pursue medical marijuana, please be sure to let your primary care provider know so that we may keep complete records and help you navigate any unforeseen issues.

If you have any specific questions regarding our decision, please do not hesitate to email us.

Thank you for continuing to entrust us with your most precious asset: your wellness.


Christine Meyer, MD and Associates

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